Thursday, March 12, 2015

Brit humor

Please click on image to expand. [Image source]

Balance by Tierno Beauregard

Please click on image to expand. [Image source here and here]

The King by Wang Wei

Please click on image to expand. [Image source here and here]

Eerie House

Please click on image to expand. Also has a serene quality to it. [Image source here]

Cat sneaks into zoo and befriends lynx proving anyone can be friends

Lake Crescent, Washington State

Please click on image to expand. [Image source]

Morning fog at Tunnel View, Yosemite Valley by KP Tripathi

Please click on image to expand. [Image source]

Amateur bike rider tries a professional course.

If you'd like the back story to what actually happened here --  here's a source. [Image source]

The amount of water on Europa compared to Earth [Gif]

Europa is a part of Jupiter's four moons. It is believed that this little moon has an outer layer of water. [Image source]