Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kim Dotcom's 'Mega' Site Now Open to Public

After Kim Dotcom's website 'Megaupload' was taken down by US authorities. Kim Dotcom vowed to fight and has even launched a new website called 'Mega', which he says is bigger than anything known previously. With the new site, users' get 50GB of free space to use. With it they can upload files and shares those files with their friends and connections. The launch of the site site 'Mega' came with huge pomp and show and the stage was set at his New Zealand mansion. With dancers and singers and a reenactment of the raid on his mansion by US authorities. Once launched Kim Dotcom announced via Twitter that within the first 2 hours there were more than 250,000 registrations.

Kim Dotcom Mega SiteMega is not different from other cloud hosting and cloud sharing services out there. Works on the lines of DropBox, Google Drive and Microsoft's SkyDrive. Cloud computing and cloud storage allows for users to upload files to the cloud and share the same with their friends. The service does not demand that users follow a protocol other than not uploading anything considered illegal.

How much storage space does Mega offer
Users get free cloud storage of 50GB that is completely free
Premium users get to use 500GB for $13.29, 2TB for $26.59 and 4TB for $39.90

What is the URL or web-address of the new 'Mega' site
You can access the site now by going to -

You can follow Kim Dotcom on Twitter here.

Related Topics
What is cloud computing and how does it work

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