Showing posts with label Google Docs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Docs. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to share from Google Drive to Google+

The cloud based storage system from Google Drive has just gotten a whole lot better. You can now share your stuff from Google Drive to Google+. This means that all those great presentations, open PDFs, videos and those great weekend pictures can be shared directly from your GD right to all your Google+ circles. Which means each relevant circle get go through those presentations of yours, those XL sheets and all your other creative files. You can also share directly from within Google Docs. So a spreadsheet or presentation can be shared without altering the permissions. So if you have restricted a document to only viewing then your friends will not be able to edit the same.

How to share stuff from Google Drive to Google+
1. Open Google Drive
2. Open the document you want to share
3. Copy the file's URL from your web browsers bar
4. Past the URL into the share box on Google+
5. Select the circle of the names of individual people you want to share with
6. Click the share button
7. You're done
If you have signed into Gmail or any other Google service. You can press the +Share button found on the top right-hand corner to share.

How to share from within a document, spreadsheet or presentation.
Google Drive to Google+1. From within Google Drive open the document you want to share and click the share button on the top right-hand corner of your browser window.
2. You also need to make sure that the file is not marked private. It needs to be 'Public on the web' or 'Anyone with a link'.
3. Next to the share link via click on Google+.
4. You will now see the Google+ share box with the embedded document.
5. Select the circle or people you want to share with and click the share button
6. You're done

Learn more at the Google Drive help center

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How To Use GoogleLookup in Google Spreadsheets

Just like Microsoft Xl google Spreadsheets also has a lookup function. XL has the vlookup The V in VLOOKUP stands for vertical. Use VLOOKUP instead of HLOOKUP when your comparison values are located in a column to the left of the data that you want to find.

Google Spreadsheets are becoming more and more popular because it is so easy to use and you can open documents from Gmail directly into Google Spreadsheets. 

Here is a brief explanation on using this feature given by the Google Docs Blog

To use the GoogleLookup function, enter the following formula in the desired spreadsheet cell:

  • =GoogleLookup(“entity” ; “attribute”) where “entity” represents the name of the entity you want to access and “attribute” is the type of information that you want to retrieve.

For example, I want to know the atomic number of gold. In this case, gold is the entity while atomic number is the attribute. In the desired cell, I enter =GoogleLookup(“Gold” , “Atomic Number”). Be sure to include quotation marks around both the entity and the attribute.
The atomic number of gold, 79, then shows up in the cell in which the formula was entered.

After experimenting with one GoogleLookup formula, I’d like to apply the formula to a larger list of elements, and also get information on the atomic weight. Instead of typing the formula out like before, I want to click the cell of the first entity in my list, in this case it’s gold. Next, I want to reference the cell in which I name the attribute I’m looking up, in this case, atomic number. Then I want to freeze the appropriate rows and columns with the “$” symbol.
Freezing the appropriate row and column allows me to drag the formula across to the “Atomic Weight” column and down the other rows to apply the formula to all of the other entities. When I apply the formula to all of the other cells, the results will show.
Keep in mind that while the GoogleLookup function knows quite a bit, it doesn't know everything. Although not all of the formulas you try will work, we encourage you to experiment. When GoogleLookup isn't sure if an answer isn't the best one for your entry, you'll see a dialog box with a handful of possible answers that you can choose from. Just select the cell and click More Options... to select a different value.
Here are a few more examples of entities you can access using the GoogleLookup formula, and a few popular attributes:

  • Countries and Territories (like "Burkina Faso"): population, capital, largest city, gdp

  • U.S. States (like "Tennessee"): area, governor, nickname, flower

  • Rivers (like "Amazon River"): origin, length

  • Cities and Towns (like "Chicago"): state, mayor, elevation

  • Musicians (like "John Lennon"): date of birth, place of birth, nationality

  • Politicians (like "Anwar Al-Sadat"): date of birth, place of birth, nationality

  • Baseball Players (like "Wade Boggs"): games, at bats, earned run average, position

  • Chemical Compounds (like "Isopropyl Alcohol"): chemical formula, melting point, boiling point, density

  • Stars (like "Betelgeuse"): constellation, distance, mass, temperature

  • Planets (like "Saturn"): number of moons, length of day, distance from sun, atmosphere

  • Dinosaurs (like "Velociraptor"): height, weight, when it lived

  • Ships (like "USS Chesapeake"): length, displacement, complement, commissioned

  • Companies (like "Hewlett-Packard"): employees, ceo, ticker

Checkout the video below to see the GoogleLookup function in action and don't forget to give it a try to see what kind of facts you can find.

An original post by


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google Doc's get storage for any file in the Cloud.

Google Docs announced it's new cloud storage facility for all your files. Instead of emailing you large files to yourself which could be cumbersome. You can now upload your Google Docs to your own cloud space. This is particularly good in storing your information and accessing it from anywhere. You would not be worried if something happens suddenly to your laptop etc. You files can be easily accessible with an internet connection.

It’s already a crowded field, with all of the usual suspects: Microsoft’s cloud-based platform, Azure, is already available in a fully a la carte pricing scheme geared toward their core enterprise customers, and it offers a25-GB online Skydrive for home users through its Microsoft Live services. Apple’s Mobile Me (once known as iDisk) has a 20-GB floor for $100 a year and a family plan in keeping with their mainly consumer focus.

Found on the Google Doc's Blog

Instead of emailing files to yourself, which is particularly difficult with large files, you can upload to Google Docs any file up to 250 MB. You'll have 1 GB of free storage for files you don't convert into one of the Google Docs formats (i.e. Google documents, spreadsheets, and presentations), and if you need more space, you can buy additional storage for $0.25 per GB per year. This makes it easy to backup more of your key files online, from large graphics and raw photos to unedited home videos taken on your smartphone. You might even be able to replace the USB drive you reserved for those files that are too big to send over email.

This maybe the start of Google's hard disk in the sky. especially good for Netbooks that do not have large internal data memory and rely on external drives. So don't worry about forgetting and leaving a file on your work computer. 

If you are new to Google Doc's and would like online video help, follow Google Doc's YouTube Community Channel  here

An original post by
