So let's say you have a blog and you're open to allowing other people to write and contribute -- allowing guest blogging. Maybe you're an author and want to actually write an article for another blog. You might want to do this because once you write for another blog you get exposure and new readers. Since the blog post you contributed will have a link to your social profiles and your own blog or site. It is therefore a win-win for both parties involved. The blog accepting your guest post get new and fresh content and the contributor get exposure and credit -- as a person who is good at their niche.
Getting the two together can be quiet a task. The contributor needs to find sites that might accept this contribution. Blog and site owners needs to actually find people with quality as guest writers and contributors. If you are someone who writes then you know how tedious it is to make a list of all the blog that are similar to your area of expertise and then contact all the bloggers who run the blog and extend your interest and interest to contribute a blog post. This is something that is both time-consuming and tedious.
Enter PostRunner -- a web app that gets the job done for both publishes and Authors. Publishes get exposure to Authors who will read your blog and decide if they want to write and publishers can get quality authors to write for their blogs without the hassle of searching.
How does PostRunner work?
It is a WordPress plugin, once you install the plugin you would then need to configure your listing and you're all set. You can see all your guest blogging posts in once place and then decide which ones to actually post on your blog. It's a once-stop-shop to handle all your quest blogging needs. So give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
PostRunner - Check it out here.
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