Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lionel Messi Goal against Iran in the World Cup 2014 - Brazil

This goal scored by Lionel Messi of Argentina is really superb. Any football fan would love the way the ball curves into the goal beating the defenders and the goal keeper. Iran had held of the Argentinians bravely and the goal which came late in the game dashed Iran's hope of drawing the match 0-0.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So this 14 yr old kid hosts game servers in his basement.

If you logged on to Reddit today, there is something really exciting for all you geeks out there. Dosen't matter if you an advanced Sys Admin or a Networking freak. This is something that crawls for your geeky attention. When most kids are busy learning to still play ball, here's someone who earned himself 4K USD and went into business. Well not the kind that makes a huge profit but that the kind that kind of sustains itself. Please find below a picture of the server room in his basement.

If you need some inspiration to do something with your life and want to know more. Please check out his post on Reddit here

Thursday, January 9, 2014

'Hand of God' Spotted by NASA Telescope...

NASA have released a new photo image that depicts a celestial image that looks like the Hand of God. The photo is actually of a star that exploded and the material that gets ejected from it. This new X-Ray image is absolutely beautiful and you can read more about it at Image Credit

Dolphins and Pufferfish

The BBC have documented for the first time Dolphins using pufferfish to get high. The pufferfish releases Neurotoxins and in large amounts can kill the animals but in small doses actually leave the dolphins in a state of bliss. This is because in small doses it has a narcotic effect. Once the dolphins have done passing the puffer fish around they are then free to swim away. The is the first time this phenomena has been documented in the wild.

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