Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Welcome to the Jungle by Michael Johnson

Click on image to expand. Image source here and here

5 Tips for Creating and Launching A Mobile App

5 Tips for Creating and Launching A Mobile App

The mobile app market has been experiencing explosive growth since its inception. The competition is high, but so is the opportunity. With literally billions of people with smartphones–and more to come–the market promises to offer rewards well into the next decade.

It’s only natural for a business to explore the possibilities of iOS mobile app development.
App creation can be as simple or sophisticated as your business demands. All apps, however, benefit from applying a good design and research process. Here are our top 5 tips for building your mobile app:

1. Explore Before Creating

A mobile app is a product. As such, development should be approached with the same best practices for any product creation.

Market research your ideas and study the available data during your idea incubation stage. With over 5 million apps on the market, your app will face stiff competition no matter what, but positioning your idea to be better than others will give you a leg up on your competitors.

Consider micro-testing your idea. Create a simplified, visual representation of your app and offer it on your webpage. Include some form of web analytics tracking to understand if visitors are interested, what they are clicking, and what they are willing to pay for.

2. Pick A Platform for Your App

Mobile apps run on two main platforms: Android by Google and iOS by Apple. By far, developers and marketers advise going with iOS first. While Android runs on more devices than iOS, several factors favor iOS in the app world.

Developers for iOS report that Apple makes development easier, the UX design tools for development are perceived as easier to use, and software updates are more frequent with higher adoption rates.

From a business point of view, iOS tends to offer higher ROI since Apple users frequently spend more on apps than Android users. From a strategy point of view, designing for one platform first saves initial budget outlays and serves as a learning foundation for the next platform launch.

3. Create Mock-Ups and Prototypes

Brainstorm your idea vigorously. If you are a small business, think about tossing ideas to your existing clients for feedback via email surveys. Harness the power of social media by asking for feedback on concepts. You don’t have to reveal you’re doing app research, but ask questions that will inform your decisions.

Once you’ve refined your idea, move on to prototyping. Start a rough draft on a whiteboard or good, old-fashioned paper. When you have a handle on a design, explore online software for creating wireframes and app prototypes.

Wireframes are plain-looking structural plans for your app, much like an outline is to a report. App prototypes are the next step to visualization that can incorporate design ideas like fonts, colors, links and buttons.

4. Work With A Professional Developer

Unless you’re an app developer yourself, working with a professional development agency will ensure you have a quality product to release. Approach hiring a designer as you would any other staff hire: Seek out solid portfolios that hold promise for your own brand identity, client references for similar type of work, and a working relationship that reflects the way you prefer to do business.

App developers will be able to take your ideas to the next level. They can advise you on best practices, novel approaches to your own app, and provide crucial back-end programming savvy often lacked in-house by businesses.

5. Always Optimize Your Mobile App

Promoting your mobile app is crucial to attracting downloads. Apple’s App Store offers 2.2 million apps!

You need to stand out, and the way to stand out is through search optimization. Just as SEO works for internet search engines, apps need to be optimized in the app stores with keywords so that users can find you. Studies estimate that 63% of app users find their apps through search.

Once you have followed the process, published your app, and experience downloads, you have a gold mine for new market research. Monitor your users’ interactions with the app through analytics, solicit feedback from your users, and continually refine what your app has to offer.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

How Artificial Intelligence is Making an Impact on Businesses

How Artificial Intelligence is Making an Impact on Businesses

When people think of artificial Intelligence, they usually think of the ways that it is represented in movies and books. Unfortunately, these are not always pleasant representations. It’s usually something like killer robots trying to take over the world or an AI system that goes wrong and starts harming people.
While this might make for entertaining fiction, the reality of artificial intelligence is very different. Modern businesses use technologies like AI and machine learning to help them make better decisions. For example, a company can use an AI chatbot to help provide better customer support and product designers harness machine learning  to develop products that will better serve consumers.
With recent advances in technology, machine learning has come a long way in the last few years, and business leaders have starting to recognize the potential. We are seeing unprecedented growth in the level of investment in AI and machine learning technologies, and we are starting to see some of the new ways that companies are applying these technologies to improve their business.

Applications for AI

Artificial Intelligence is already in use in many industries. AI probably affects your life in a number of different ways, and you may not even realize it. The following are a few examples of different ways that modern businesses are using AI technology.


AI chatbots have changed the world of customer service. With the development of more advanced language processing systems, these chatbots are more useful than they have ever been, and more customers are starting to prefer using them. In a recent study, 70% of respondents said that they already prefer chatbots for simpler interactions.

Self-Driving Cars

Several companies are already developing self-driving vehicles, and it is only a matter of time before these vehicles become a common part of everyday life. Even traditional automobile manufacturers are getting in on the race to build driverless cars. Ford recently made a major investment in Argo AI as a step toward developing the systems that will power their driverless vehicles.

Face Recognition

Face recognition systems use AI technologies like machine learning to provide security for mobile devices and online accounts. Apple’s iPhone X is one such example of how this technology is being brought to consumers, but you also have companies like Google that are investing heavily in AI systems that support face recognition.


Artificial intelligence is set to have a major impact on the world of marketing in the near future. With predictive analytics, marketing firms will be able to develop better content, target customers more precisely, and make budgeting decisions that are informed by the most recent information.
These are just a few of the ways that AI is already being used by businesses. You also have banks that are using it to make decisions on investments, hospitals that use AI to provide better healthcare, and engineering firms that use these technologies to improve the design process.

Examples of AI being used by Businesses

Some of the world’s best-known companies are already using AI. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways that large businesses are using this technology.
Pinterest is a site that is all about helping users find the content that interests them. With machine learning, Pinterest is able to provide better and more accurate recommendations, and this helps to keep the site’s millions of monthly active users engaged.
Pinterest uses an algorithm to find the content that users want to engage with, and this algorithm is continually being refined using a machine learning program that analyzes billions of user interactions.


Much of the future of smart technology is going to depend on users giving voice commands to AI devices. One such device is Alexa, the digital personal assistant from Amazon.
One challenge for Alexa and other devices that rely on voice commands is the ability of the AI system to understand and respond to language in a way that is natural. Machine learning is one of the keys to offering better voice command services. Companies like Amazon use machine learning to analyze vast amounts of user data that can then be used to improve the language capabilities of services like Alexa.


As one of the world’s largest media streaming services, Netflix relies on making smart decisions about the content they provide to their users. With machine learning, Netflix is able to analyze user data to help them gain insights into the content preferences and viewing habits of consumers.
With the insights provided by machine learning, Netflix can then use their budget to deliver more content that users will enjoy. Additionally, Netflix uses machine learning to help the service in providing the best recommendations for users.

These are just a few of the businesses that are using machine learning to improve their services and make better decisions. With more companies recognizing the importance of AI and machine learning, we are going to see continued growth in investment in these technologies, and we are going to start to see more ways that businesses are using AI to get an edge on the competition.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Biggest Augmented Reality Trends of 2017

The adoption of augmented reality technology has been difficult, to say the least. One of the biggest challenges regarding this innovation that this is unchartered territory. It seems like most companies aren't sure of which direction to take, or how to apply AR technology to everyday situations. One constant within this argument though, is that augmented reality has limitless potential, and its applications are expanding daily.

By all accounts, augmented reality is changing for the better in 2017. With revenue in the AR industry projected to reach $90 billion by 2020, it's no question that people will be focusing on the trends that they see have the most potential. Here are the augmented reality trends that we believe will drive advancement in AR tech in 2017.

1. AR Product Support

Product support that uses augmented reality to assist in providing solutions is likely to emerge as a new method for companies to serve their customers in real-time. Through the use of overlays, augmented reality provides product makers and developers a new medium of communication for customers to provide support in things like installation, maintenance, repair, etc.

2. Apple Dives Into AR

Get ready for Apple to take a dive into the mobile AR market. With Google's involvement and success in the mobile VR market through Daydream, Apple is also trying to make a move in AR by pumping more money into research and development in this industry. In the past year, they've acquired up to four AR-related tech companies. With these investments and likely more on the way, be prepared for a big move from Apple in augmented reality.

3. Google Moves Into AR Territory

With Google's success in VR through Daydream, they are slowly trying to enter the AR market through a partnership with Lenovo. With the development of their advanced mobile AR platform Tango on the rise, Lenovo partnered with Google to make the first Tango-enabled smartphone, the Lenovo Phab2 Pro.

4. AR Smartphones

Lenovo's Phab2 Pro is not the only smartphone to enter the AR race. Asus has announced that they will also release their own Tango-enabled smartphone this year. With this technology already moving into production phase, it's no surprise that we could possibly see AR-centric smartphones as the rule, not the exception.

5. Marketing Disruption

AR has already eked out a spot in marketing strategies, but they've never been solidly used because of a lack of a viable mobile platform. With AR advancing at such speeds, though, it shouldn't be too surprising to expect new mobile marketing strategies that utilize AR for better customer leads and sales.

6. Mixed Realities

Mixed reality is a big topic of interest for AR developers. Microsoft, for example, came up with the HoloLens Development Edition goggles, which allows users to use Microsoft's software development kit (SDK) to create and innovate in a mixed reality space. Products and software of this nature could be coming up next in 2017.

7. AR Headsets

AR wearables will like make a comeback. Snapchat Spectacles, Eversight's Raptor AR Sunglasses, and castAR are all in the running to create efficient and functional AR headsets. The success of these devices lies in the belief that users should have access to AR information on a daily basis.

8. Expanded Enterprise Adoption

The availability and development of AR platforms will make it much more accessible across industry verticals. Expect to see a rise in AR tech being used in industries that haven't been introduced to it before. For example, logistics provider DHL is an example of a company that adopted AR for practical applications, something unseen in the logistics industry before.

9. AR to Beat Out VR

Virtual reality had its moments, but it's becoming clear to most people that AR is simply more useful and practical in a wider sense. Even though VR hardware came a long way, with the introduction of Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive, augmented reality had an even bigger hit with Pokemon Go.

10. Retail Will Drive AR

With AR platforms becoming more popular and accessible, especially AR-enabled smartphones, retail businesses will want to incorporate that accessibility into improved sales and marketing tactics. The real-time consumer insights provided by such technology will be equally attractive for the benefits they provide in optimizing marketing campaigns and boosting ROI.

11. Advanced AR Sensors

AR needs to be made easy for users to create their own augmented reality content. With the rise in AR popularity, AR sensors and software will be needed that are advanced enough to interpret our environment and use that data to interact with it. The more AR technology available, the easier it should be for people to be able to create their own AR experiences.

12. Large Demand for AR Developers

AR developers are identified as some of the highest paid tech specialists in the industry right now. With market projections of  $90 billion within four years, learning AR development could be something worthwhile for both new developers entering the market and for veteran developers looking to learn.

Augmented reality technology is being developed at a rapid pace as its popularity continues to grow. With its applications extending from everyday users to enterprises,the limitless potential of this tech is undeniable. To best harness the power of AR, take into consideration where it is now and where it is going based on the predictions above. 

PDF to Word Converter (Mobile Apps)

89% of smartphone users spend their time using mobile apps, according to stats found here. Productivity apps are definitely one of the most wanted category among users, because such apps can help you solve different work-related or school-related issues, such as note taking, sending emails, collaboration with your colleagues, document management, creating invoices and similar.

One such app that falls into this category is PDF to Word Converter. Its name speaks for itself- it converts PDF files to Word which basically means the app enables editing data saved in a PDF form, by turning it into a document format that is far easier to edit and manipulate.

General Specifications of the App

PDF to Word Converter can be download on both Android and iOS platform and these are the requirements:

  • Android version 4.1 or later
  • iOS version 9.0 or later
  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
  • Also compatible with any Android smartphone and tablet device

PDF to Word Features

With this app you can convert native and scanned PDF documents to Word. The app is free and there are no limits on the file size or the number of converted files. Although, there are some in-app purchases, the conversion quality is the same. In other words, if you use the free version you rely on the same conversion technology. Conversions are pretty accurate and very close to the original, but the result also depends on the original file quality. The only disadvantage of the free version is that you need to wait for one hour to get a converted file.

Once the file is converted, you will need to open it in MS Word app or any other app that opens Word files such as LibreOffice, Office Suite and others. With this app you will be able to edit text from the PDF documents and to reuse old invoices, resumes and other documents. By doing so, you will save a lot of time, because you won’t need to make a resume, an invoice or other business documents, from scratch.

PDF to Word also gives you an option to select a file that is stored on your cloud. For instance, if your file is stored on Dropbox, you can access Dropbox via PDF to Word Converter and choose the file you want to convert. Other cloud systems that are supported are: Gmail (only for iOS), Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, iCloud (iOS only). These cloud services used to be paid and now they are given for free.

To sum up, here are the features of PDF to Word Converter:
  • Converts scanned and native PDFs
  • Fast (paid version only, otherwise  you wait for 1 hour)and high quality conversions
  • Upload files directly from Gmail(only for iPhone), Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, iCloud (iOS only)
  • Batch conversion, convert multiple files at once (this is not a free option and it works only on Android)
  • You can rename the converted file (iOS only)
  • No limits on the size of the file, or the number of converted files

How does it work

Both Android and iOS version of PDF to Word Converter have very intuitive user interface. There are small differences between the user experience on Android smartphone or tablet and on iPhone or iPad. Check it out:

iOS user guide:
  • Start the app and select the file from the phone or from the cloud (iCloud, Gmail, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive)
  • Tap on the file and the conversion will start

pdf to word how to.jpeg

Android user guide:

  • Tap on the plus button to add a file
  • Choose to add a file from the device or from the cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive)
  • The conversion will start and you will be able to see the file converting



There are many PDF conversion apps available for mobile devices, but this one offers high quality technology, combined with the latest trends of cloud system availability and advanced OCR. It will help you finish your document management tasks and give you more time to do something more interesting.