How to go shopping in Petville.
If you would like to go shopping in Petville for new furniture, clothes, hardware and costumes and buy, something this is what you would need to do.
1. On the lower left hand corner of your Petville screen click on the world icon.
2. Dialog box opens showing you various places you can go to in Petville
3. On top of the dialog you will see icons for the Clothing store, Furniture store and Hardware store.Simply click on the store you would like to visit.
4. Choose an item you would like to buy and click on it.
5. A dialog opens confirming your intent to purchase the item.
6. Click 'Buy' to purchase the item of click 'Cancel' to return to the store
7. If you take your pet along to the store click on an item to see how it fits your pet. Some item are full pieces of clothing which other simply cover one half of your pet.
8. Once your satisfied and buy a piece of clothing it will immediately go into your wardrobe.
9. Hardware and Furniture items bought in the store are automatically placed in your storage
10. To use Hardware and Furniture item in-game click on your 'Storage' icon and then drag the item into your house
Love points are added for every purchase you make. An average of 1 love point for every 10 coins you spend
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