Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monsters and Beliebers war on Twitter

All of a sudden there is this twitter between who owns twitter is it going to be lady Gaga or Justin Bieber. Each fan base are tweeting their hearts to promote their Idols. The Trending Topics where you can follow the battle are #monstersowntwitter, #beliebersarewinning and #justinbieberloveswinning. Currently #beliebersarewinning is the number one TT on Twitter. Which clearly shows how much his fans love him. It all started when one Lady Gaga fans started the trending topics #monstersown Twitter and if you did not know Monsters are what Lady gaga's followers call themselves, it's little monsters actually and she is the mother monster. There is also the fourth trend that is getting a lot of action 'Justin Likes Curves' and this is being Tweeted because the logic is that he is dating Selena Gomez and therefore he likes curves. Now all his fans who were on those crazy diets will start binge eating and get those curves going. Twitter can sure add a smile to your face, especially all the Gaga Bieber wars. 

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