Showing posts with label Picasaweb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picasaweb. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Your Picasa photos and albums are now hosted on Google+

Google has for sometime not been adding any new features to Picasa. Picasa is the photos sharing site brought to you by Google. if you have been adding photos and albums to Picasa for sometime now. You will be surprised to find them all hosted on your Google+ profile. Go to your Google+ profile and check out photos. All your Picasa photos, images and albums are now found under this tab. The albums are transferred with the Picasa privacy settings - so if an album had been listed as Private, it will still be private. All albums and photos listed as 'Public' will be visible to all the people you're added to your circles.

Here are a few helpful tips for you as a user.

Picasa albums and photos transferred to Google+1. How do I access the old Picasa Web Interface
Use this URL to view your Picasa web albums in the old userface -

2. How do I change the visibility options of my Picasa web albums on Google+
You will need to find the albums under the 'Photos' tab in Google+. Click on the Globe icon and then the (X) mark beside public (The Green icon). Your album should now change visibility to 'Only You'. By doing this you lose comments and +1's however.

3. What are the advantages of this change
For one you get more visibility and people are more willing to share on Google+. Therefore your photos will get more eyeballs and +1s. Which are very helpful in terms of popularity and influence.

4. What about sharing.
Any album shared publicly by you can now in turn be tagged and shared by other users on Google+

Please leave a comment below with what you think and any questions you might have about the change.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sharing photos in Google Buzz

Well you would like to know what happens when you share a photo in Google Buzz. Once you upload a photo in Google buzz and automatic unlisted album is created for you in Picasa and your photos are stored there. The privacy settings you choose will also be maintained on your unlisted album on Picasa. You can also view your photos on Picasaweb allows you to view all your photos and albums on the internet and also provides you with an option to adjust privacy and other settings online without downloading Picasa. You can also browse through photos uploaded by other users.

To add multiply photos while posting buzz you need to 
1. Click 'Insert Photo' from a new post
2. Select 'Upload Files'
3. Click 'Add photos to post'

Once a photo is clicked an embedded viewer designed to view photos quick and in full screen will open up for full and easy viewing.

To share photos from your Picasa account automatically You will first have to add 'Picasa' to your list of connected sites in Buzz and photos you upload to Picasa will be shared automatically viz Buzz maintaining your original privacy settings.

How to Add Picasa in Google Buzz.

1. Login to Gmail
2. Click on Buzz
3. Click on profile
4. Click on Connected Sites
5. Click the Add button next to Picasa
6. Click the edit button next to Picasa to choose photo sharing settings. Either 'Public' or 'Private'

You can also share your photos using which will automatically upload them to Picasa Web Albums and create a new Buzz post.

An original post by
