Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to use LinkedIn Mentions in Status Updates and Conversations

LinkedIn has a new feature that's been announced. The ability like in Facebook to use Mentions - this would mean that on LinkedIn you can mention your connections in a status updates and you can also mention companies in your updates. So let's say you start a conversation and would like to mention some of your connections. Start by typing their names and a drop-down should appear with all your connections beginning with those letters. Choose the ones you want and get their names added to the conversation.

When you're replying to a status update that has you mentioned you can use the Facebook style @Name to reply to a person or a number of people in the conversation. The feature is being rolled out to all English speaking LinkedIn users over the next few days, and later on to all LinkedIn users. The feature will ensure that there are now threaded conversations on LinkedIn, and have a very Facebook style of conversations. This would definitely be at a huge advantage for LinkedIn, as they seek to become a Social Site with more sharing and more conversation. This was announced via the LinkedIn Blog.

How to use LinkedIn Mentions.Once you add someone as a mention in your status update. They will get a notifications letting them know they have been mentioned in a conversation. This feature will also be available to companies. So when a company has been mentioned, they will get a LinkedIn notifications letting them know that their company has been mentioned.

Source: LinkedIn Blog.

YouTube earnings zero from clicks and here's why

Many YouTube partners have been surprised to see that clicks from their videos have been reporting 0 earnings. This has started from April 1 2013 and YouTube have announced the reason. The announcement has been that earnings will no more reflect in 'Adsense for content host'. This means that earnings will no more be calculated from within Adsense and if you want to find your earnings you can do so from within YouTube Analytics.

So what does this mean for YouTube partners - there is no change in the way you get paid. End of the month calculations on final earnings will include all YouTube click earnings. To find out how much you earned per day, you would need to check from within YouTube analytics.

YouTube click earnings now reported in YouTube AnalyticsHow to check YouTube earnings.
1. Signin to YouTube
2. Click on your username
3. Click on video manager
4. Click on Analytics
5. Under 'Earnings Report' click on estimated earnings.

This was announced via the official YouTube for partners blog. Here you can find a sum of all your earnings and estimated earnings from clicks per day.

Source: YouTube partners and & Creators blog.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to save Yahoo Mail Attachments directly to DropBox

Starting today Yahoo Mail have partnered with DropBox to help you easily save your attachments directly to DropBox. This means that you don't have to download your attachments first and then save to DropBox. For users familiar with DropBox the free cloud storage software - any and all sorts of file types can be stored using the service. So all your vacation pictures, important docs like tax returns and all your whitepapers and videos can be stored directly. You can sign-in to DropBox right within Yahoo Mail and store all your files and folders in the cloud. This post will help you save Yahoo Mail Attachments directly to DropBox.

save Yahoo Mail attachment directly to DropBoxHow to save Yahoo Mail attachments directly to your DropBox account.
1. Sign in to Yahoo Mail
2. Click on the attachment.
3. Click on the 'Save to DropBox' button
4. You're done

If you don not have a DropBox account as yet, you can click on 'More Options' to create a new account and name a new folder to save all your attachments.

How to share a file or folder from DropBox in Yahoo mail
1. Click on Compose.
2. Next to the paper clip icon select the drop-down button
3. Select 'Share from DropBox'. The chooser will open and you can then select files you wish to share. If the attachments is large you can simply drag and drop the file into email and click 'Send' to send from DropBox. This integration is available globally.

Source: Yahoo Blog and DropBox Blog.

How to save a windows live movie maker file for YouTube

Windows Live Movie Maker has a button to directly upload your project to YouTube. Sometimes however there might be technical reasons and the button might not work. The workaround is that you save your movie in a YouTube accepted format and then use the YouTube upload link to directly upload your movie. There are a few steps to follow to save your WLMM project in .WMV format. This is a format that is accepted by YouTube. When you hit the upload button on YouTube - you will be able to upload your video without any problems. This post will be a guide on how to save a windows live movie maker file for YouTube. This way you're all set to get your videos up and running on YouTube no matter what.

Save Windows Live Movie Maker for YouTubeHow to save a windows live movie maker file for YouTube
1. Go ahead and create your video project
2. When it comes time to save click on
3. The drop-down on the top
4. Choose 'Save Movie'
5. Now choose 'Recommended for this project' and hit save
6. You're done.

This way you can quickly save your movie in a YouTube accepted format and directly upload the same. There will be no hassles and everything will go smooth.

You might also like how to upload a video to YouTube

Please view video below if you'ed like the visuals

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to preview BlackBerry 10 on your Android or iOS Device

BlackBerry has been relentlessly trying to make a comeback with their new OS - BlackBerry 10. Launched recently through a large event, the BlackBerry team are in earnest trying to get users to sample their latest offering and hopefully switch sides. Along the same lines Blackberry have another trick up their sleeve  You can now preview BlackBerry 10 features on your Android Device or your iOS device. So if you want to check out the latest BlackBerry OS on your iPhone or iPad you can do so now.

What are some of BlackBerry 10 features available for preview?
These are some of the features BlackBerry 10 has and they are hoping you ditch the apply for a berry.
preview blackberry 10 on your Android or iOS device.1. Unlock screen
2. Minimising Apps
3. BlackBerry Hub
4. BlackBerry 10 keyboard
5. BBM Video Chat

How to preview BlackBerry 10 on an Android or iOs device
Simply point your mobile browser to

So would your ditch your iPhone, iPad or Android device for a new BlackBerry 10 device. Let us know in the comments section below.

Source: BlackBerry Blog

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to upload a picture to Reddit

If you are new to Reddit one of the first things you might want to learn to do is to upload a picture tto Reddit. You cannot directly upload a picture to Reddit and you will need to use something called 'imgur'. Imgur is a free image hosting site that provides service to million s of users. Most Reddit users are fond of Imgur and use it to upload photos to Reddit. So to share a photo, pic or image on Reddit. You would first need to upload it to Imgur and then get a direct link to share it on Reddit.

Uploading a picture to RedditHow to upload an image or picture to Imgur.
1. Go to Imgur and click on Computer - to upload from your computer or Web to upload from the web.
2. Once uploaded the link called 'Direct Link' - copy that and paste it in your Reddit post.

This is the image URL and can be posted anywhere on Reddit. You can use it in a 'Text' or 'Link' post.

Please check the video below if you need the visuals.

How to create a link on Reddit

One of the important things on Reddit is the ability to create links. In your Reddit comments or self posts. When you create a post it's very easy to add a link but many a new comer to Reddit always struggle with creating a link or making a link when composing a Reddit comment. It is actually fairly easy to create a link on Reddit and this post will guide you in just a few easy steps.

Create a link on RedditHow to create a Link in Reddit
1. Let's say you compose a comment such as 'My fav Reddit Links'. You want to add a link to the word Reddit. So when people click on it, it's taken to your imgur pic or just about any other link.
2. This is what you need to do. [Reddit] ( This will add a link to the word Reddit.

You can follow the same process and link any word or phrase and post your comments on Reddit. Leave a comment below if you would like to continue this discussion.

Monday, March 25, 2013

How to turn on or enable Facebook Replies to Comments

Facebook have released a new feature for Facebook Pages. The ability to have users reply to comments and thereby creating threaded commenting on Facebook pages. This has long been a requested feature and up until now has not been available. With Facebook replies to comments users can now have conversations and also follow the conversations. All comments on pages used to appear one below the other and was just a comment posted. The idea or sense that a conversation was happening, did not really appear.

Facebook pages with more than 10,000 followers have this feature turned on automatically. If your page has less than 10,000 followers you can now opt-into replies by turning the feature on - on your page. The steps below will detail how to turn on, enable or activate Facebook replies to comments on your Facebook page.

How to turn on or enable replies to comments on your Facebook page.
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on your page and open it.
3. Click on 'Edit Page' and from the drop-down choose 'Manage Permissions'.
4. Scroll right down to the bottom and you will find 'Allow replies to comments on my Page'.
How to enable Facebook replies to comments5. Check the box beside it and click on 'Save Changes'
6. you're done

Comments are available only on desktop for now, but will be available on all other options soon.

Facebook repliesYou can read the official announcement about Facebook Replies here.

Friday, March 22, 2013

How do you create a post on Reddit

Reddit the destination on the web for people who want a good read or join an ongoing discussion. On Reddit anyone can post anything - either a text post or a link to an external news article, picture or video. Creating a post on Reddit is very simple and easy. You can do so in just a few quick steps. Remember that Reddit frowns upon people who try to post too many links. To post more you also need to have good Karma on Reddit. Karma points are everything. So be mindful about your posts and don't post too much. It is also advisable to join in the discussions and gain some karma. So this will be a quick guide on how to create a post on Reddit.

How to create a post on Reddit
1. Login to Reddit
2. Below search Reddit on the right-hand side are the options. 'Submit a new link' and 'Submit a new text post'.
How to create a Reddit self post3. Choose either one and you are taken to the screen where you can now create your post.
How to submit a reddit post4. if you choose test - enter the title, text, choose a subreddit, fill in the capture and then post. If you choose 'Link' enter the link choose the Subreddit and post.

Reddit is made up of many communities and each community is know as a Subreddit. usually the URL of a Subreddit would be - - /r/ denotes the Subreddit and its name.

Video below for the visuals

Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to add a backup mobile number to Dropbox

Dropbox already has something called 2 step verification - which means that after you login to Dropbox with you email ID and password. You will be sent a verification code to your phone. This code will further need to be entered before you can access your account. This is just an added layer of security and if you have not yet enabled 2 step verification - it's not a bad to start using it now.

Add backup number to DropboxSo if you have already have 2 step verification turned on. There is now another added layer of security to answer the question - what if your phone gets kidnapped?. This is a possibility and people are always loosing their phones. (We have a lot of solutions on our site to help you record your lost phone). So anyways' if you lose your phone Dropbox has added the option to add ' a backup phone number'. This can be the number of someone you trust and know, someone who you always have access to. So this way even if your phone goes missing you can still access Dropbox using the backup phone number you added. This way instead of a panic attack - realizing you cannot access your Dropbox account. Dropbox will send the verification code to the backup number.

How to add a backup number to Dropbox
1. Login to Dropbox
2. Click on your name (right-hand corner)
3. Choose settings
4. Now click on 'Security'
5. Enable two-step verification and add your backup phone number.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to upload photos to YouTube

YouTube now has a cool transition - you can upload your photos to YouTube and it will be created into a fantastic slideshow. Before this option it was Windows live Movie maker that people would use. With WLMM you could add all your photos and music to make a slideshow. With the new option on YouTube, you can now upload your photos directly and share them with your friends. The only downside is that to add music - you will be able to only add music that YouTube has. You cannot add your own music. So if you're channel is set for monetization, you will not be able to use the music available on YouTube.

How to upload photos to YouTubeHow to upload pics, photos, images to YouTube
1. login to YouTube
2. Click on upload
3. On the right you will find 'Photo Slideshow'
4. Click on create
5. Upload your photos - drag-and-drop
6. Move your pics around in the order you want them
7. Save and you're done

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Best Google Reader Alternatives

We have already written about how Google Reader will be retired on July 1, 2013. We have also posted a guide on how to download, save and export all your data. This post has to do with finding a new RSS reader. The most popular ones these days are cloud based readers as they can be accessible from all your devices and not just your PC. So without wasting any more time, let's just dive into the best Google Reader alternatives.

Best Google Reader Alternatives1. Feedly - Works on Chrome, Firefox and mobile devices. They have announced a new service called Normandy - which is being built to take over from Google Reader.

2. NetVibes - already very popular and offers a simple Google Reader type of interface.

3. NewsBlur - get started by adding your feeds and there is also a iOS and Android apps. So you can Sync content across all your devices.

The above mentioned RSS readers seem to be the best choices available and if you think another one needs to be added to the list - please let us know in the comments section below. We have not added too many links because there are now many other RSS reader services also announcing their shutdown after the Google Reader announcement.

You might also like: How to download and export all my Google Reader Data

How to download and save Google Reader Data

Google Reader will be retired on July 1, 2013 - boom. This was news that was not expected so soon. There are millions online who like to read their daily news and blogs via Google Reader - one of the best RSS readers out there. This is all set to change as the news of Google Reader shutdown is sweeping the blogosphere and social media sites like Twitter. It seems that Google have though long and hard and wills tick to their decision. No amount of moaning online will change that - Google Reader is going and nothing can save it.

Google Reader to be retired on July 1, 2013So after accepting this fact it is now time to move on. How to download and save all your Google Reader data. After all you don't want to loose track of all those sites and blogs you have been following for all these years. It is simple and easy to do and once done you can export all your Google Reader data to another service online. This way you can continue following all of your favorite sites and blogs.

How to download and export all my Google Reader Data
1. You will need to use Google takeout.
2. Click here to get started with Google takeout.
3. Once your file is ready, click on create archive
4. Click on 'email me when ready' this way you can go back to work while the data is being compiled.
5. Once ready click on the download button and get your Zip file

Once you have your file, you can upload the subscriptions.xml file to a new service to save your Google Reader subscriptions data.

You might also like: Best Google Reader Alternatives.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to tag YouTube videos together

This is one of the newest features on YouTube - the ability to tag YouTube videos together with the same tags. Before we start on how to do this, one important question must be. How do YouTube tags work and are they really important. The reason why tags are important is that they help promote your video on YouTube. So when uses search using a string of works and your tags match. Your video will show up. This is assuming you already have uploaded videos to YouTube and own a YouTube channel.

If you are familiar with creating and uploading videos to YouTube. You are aware that when uploading you have ability to tag videos. This post is not about that. This is about using tags and grouping your videos together for the same tags. So if there is a new tag you want to use and would like to group two or more videos under the same tag. You can do so in a few quick and easy steps.

How to tag videos together on YouTubeHow to tag your YouTube videos
1. Login to YouTube
2. Click on your username
3. Click on Video Manager
4. Select the videos you want to apply tags for (click on the checkbox)
5. From the dropdown beside tag on the top, select the tags you want to use.

How to remove tags
1. Follow the same process mentioned above
2. Uncheck the tags you no longer wish to you
3. You're done.

Please leave a comment or suggestion with what you think.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Your Picasa photos and albums are now hosted on Google+

Google has for sometime not been adding any new features to Picasa. Picasa is the photos sharing site brought to you by Google. if you have been adding photos and albums to Picasa for sometime now. You will be surprised to find them all hosted on your Google+ profile. Go to your Google+ profile and check out photos. All your Picasa photos, images and albums are now found under this tab. The albums are transferred with the Picasa privacy settings - so if an album had been listed as Private, it will still be private. All albums and photos listed as 'Public' will be visible to all the people you're added to your circles.

Here are a few helpful tips for you as a user.

Picasa albums and photos transferred to Google+1. How do I access the old Picasa Web Interface
Use this URL to view your Picasa web albums in the old userface -

2. How do I change the visibility options of my Picasa web albums on Google+
You will need to find the albums under the 'Photos' tab in Google+. Click on the Globe icon and then the (X) mark beside public (The Green icon). Your album should now change visibility to 'Only You'. By doing this you lose comments and +1's however.

3. What are the advantages of this change
For one you get more visibility and people are more willing to share on Google+. Therefore your photos will get more eyeballs and +1s. Which are very helpful in terms of popularity and influence.

4. What about sharing.
Any album shared publicly by you can now in turn be tagged and shared by other users on Google+

Please leave a comment below with what you think and any questions you might have about the change.

Monday, March 4, 2013

How to get a six pack in 3 minutes [Videos]

Thanks to YouTube now anyone with a camera can come up with a video and post it to YouTube. There are now many videos online that teach you how to get a six pack and there are even videos that teach you how to get a six pack in three minutes. The idea is not that you will get a six pack in three minutes, but that a 3 minute workout everyday should be good enough to get that desired six pack.

So here are some YouTube videos that are pretty good and should help you get a six pack. The exercises are touch and some amount of effort is needed. If you can stick to it you should probably get the elusive six pack and go and show it off to all your pals and especially the chicks.

How to make a six pack1. The exercise known as the navy seals

2. How to get a six pack in 3 minutes for girls

3. The single exercise workout

4. Abs are made in the kitchen and not in the gym

5. The ad workout with no equipment needed.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to copyright your Pheed photos and videos

We have already written about the new social networking site known as Pheed. Pheed has a lot of other site's functions built into it - like Facebook news feed and the ability to add hashtags like in Twitter and Google+. Pheed is the new fun social media site on the net and on mobile web. There is a iPhone app for it and the Android app will be out soon. Apart form all of this Pheed has one important function. If you're sharing a video or a photo that belongs to you. You can add a copyright and then share it with your followers.

To get this job done is very easy and offers many benefits. Let's say you have not added a watermark your photo and simply want to share it. You can do so on Pheed and the site will add a watermark with your copyright at the bottom of your photo, image or video. This way you can share and not be worried that people will steal it and not give you credit for it. People can still be able to use it as watermarks can be removed - although not a simple process. With Pheed you have the ability to do this and is something every user must make use of. .

How to copyright Pheed photos and videosHow to copyright your photos and videos on Pheed.
1. login to Pheed
2. Click on create new Pheed
3. At the bottom of the box there is 'Copyright this pheed' - check that box and you're done.

Once you copyright a Pheed, a watermark will be added to the bottom of your Pheed. A simple and easy process - please leave a comment with what you think about this feature on Pheed.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WordPress Plugin to remove date from Google Search Results

This is one useful plugin for WordPress Blogs that have been around for sometime. Bloggers have something called evergreen content - so content and pages that appears on Google Search results even after a few years of being published. Might still be relevant and useful. There seems to be one small problem however - users might feel the need to click on something more recent however. So how do Google Search users know what is most relevant?. The answer is very simply below each search result Google shows the date of publication.

So content that might show up even after two or three years, although still useful and relevant might get ignored by users. This seems to be one of the problems for large blogs that might have suffered from Panda and Penguin updates. Panda and Penguin are Google programs that either push a blog or website further up search results and also does the opposite. Penalizes blogs and websites bringing down their traffic by about 40%. There are a lot of blogs and websites out there that have been penalized and have suffered.

If you see the usefulness of now wanting a time stamp to appear with your page showing up on Google. There is a quick WordPress plugin to help you do just that. Once installed it will remove the date that appears alongside your indexed pages on Google search results.

How to exclude date from google search results: Plugin for wordpressHow to Install the Date Exclusion SEO Plugin
1. Please follow this link to install and plugin
2. These are the settings we choose for the plugin

You can also set the number of days before the date inclusion expires. We choose 60 and once 60 days are over the results will not show-up with the date. So there you have it - a plugin to help your WordPress blog SEO and help you recover from Google's Panda and Penguin.

Try the Date Exclusion Plugin for WordPress here

How to find out who owns an email address

This question might arise if you find out that someone has been sending you annoying emails. Maybe you have been receiving harassing emails from a person in your Inbox. This is usually from an email ID or Email address you don't know. Many-times people hide behind an anonymous email ID and send out harassing or annoying emails to other people. There is not much you can do other than report that Email ID as spam or complain to Gmail that you have been receiving hate or threatening emails from a particular email address.

If you want to find out who is behind an email address or who owns an email address there is one way to find out. It is not foolproof but offers some kind of hope. It is called 'Reverse lookup an email address and this is how it works. What you need to do with this tool is to simply input that email address and click on search email. You will be shown information that person might have used when creating that email ID. Like city, state and their Facebook or Myspace profiles they might have associated with that email address.

How to find out who owns an email accountReverse address search: how does it work
1. Enter the email ID or account you want to search
2. When you click search you will be shown
3. Beside Facebook profile click on possible matches. You need to have a Facebook profile for this to work.
4. If this person has a Facebook profile created using this email ID - you will be able to view it.

Use Reverse Address Search Lookup now.

Please leave a comment with your feedback in the comments section below.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to learn Photoshop online free

So if you are into creative graphics and would like to learn how to edit and create amazing images using Photoshop. You're in luck - CreativeLive has something called PhotoshopWeek. What happens here is that for a whole week you get 6 days of intense training on Adobe Photoshop. All of these online classes and tutorials will be broadcasted live starting Feb 25, 2012 - Mar 2nd. All these free tutorials are being made available through 12 world-class instructors. Classes are for all levels of learners from novices to graphic gurus. The good thing about these classes are that they will be available to anyone anywhere in the world. So once you join you get 40 hours on nonstop classes. The tutorial will cover Photoshop elements, CS5, CS6 and all other elements of Photoshop. All these Photo Shop Tutorials will help you learn Photoshop in a week.

Free online photoshop tutorials and classesPhotoshop has a lot of tools that are extremely creative and very useful - especially if you have just started out with Photoshop. There is the Lasso, Magic Wand, 3D, Puppet Wrap and Healing tools to name a few. All of which help to bring images and photos to life. The stuff you can do with Photoshop is limitless and this is a good opportunity to learn more and get your Photoshopping skills off the ground. So visit CreativeLive today and sign-up. Please leave a comment below with your feedback and what you think.

Visit CreativeLive online to get your free Photoshop Tutorials