Showing posts with label Web Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Apps. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to create a Instagram Photo Collage for your Facebook Timeline Cover using InstaCover

If you are wondering how to create a Instagram Collage we have already written about it here. So if you are a collage fan and want to create one either with your Instagram set of photos or use others photos available on the app you can create some stunning collages and impress your friends. Gibe your Facebook Timeline Cover a whole new look, vibrant with some stunning Instagram photos. We also have a small tutorial to help you get started with Facebook Covers for your Timeline. For users who use their Timeline alot your cover photo is all important with this new app you can now make it even more stunning. Instagram photos are all the craze and rage on the internet and with Instacover you can use your Instagram photos or that of other to create a collage for your cover photo on Facebook. 

InstaCover: How does it work
1. Visit the webapp online
2. Sign-in with your Facebook Account
3. This is the screen you see

4. You can now enter your Instagram ID or just work with other photos available
5. You can now choose category, tags or photos you have liked on Instagram.
6. Choose order and also enter text if you want
7. Choose layout and then your spacing options. Choose no in spacing if you do not want any space between photos.
8. Choose if you want to add a date and number of likes each photos has got.
9. Click on preview to view and then final preview and the collage gets stored as a photo on your Timeline Cover album on Facebook.

10. You now need to go to Facebook to add this collage as a photo. This is good as you have the option to check it out and drag and drop as you please.

Play around with the app for a short while and you will see that it is simple and easy to use. Also adds a lot of fun to your Facebook Covers. Please let us know you feedback in the comments section below.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Airtime: How does it work

Airtime is an Facebook based App launched by Napster Co-founders Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning. it works just the way Chatroulette works but minus creepy people. Chatroulette offers the ability to chat with random strangers from different countries. You do not need to have a bio or a pic. You can just access the service and start using it. Airtime works on the same premise but with one vital difference, it is Facebook based. So you can chat with your friends, friends of friends or people who you don't know but can chat wit h based on similar interests. The reason why this is more fun is because your profile is attached to the video and you don't want to try anything funny with people who can see who you are. 

Airtime: How does it work

How do I get started?
All you need to do is to launch Airtime and then click on Launch Airtime, use your Facebook ID to login, allow access to your webcam, and then click on 'Talk to someone to get started'.

Why do I have to use my Facebook login?
This is a Facebook Webapp and therefore needs your Facebook ID to be operational. Facebook login is also used to ensure that you don't get penis-bombed. This is what happens on Chatroulette, when people point the camera to a part of their anatomy not meant for public display. This brings with it a responsibility because your real name and location can be found out by both parties by clicking on the +1 button below the chat window. Real profiles means real conversations minus creepy behavior.

What happens when someone does not follow protocol and goes ahead with vulgar displays?
The technology of the system can detect when someone is not following guidelines, there are also moderators who are constantly monetering the service. Once banned you cannot get into the service again and you will have to forgo using Airtime.

How to change from Anonymous mode to real mode?
When Air-timming you are initially show as Anonymous and the other person will also be visible as anonymous. To change from anonymous to real name and profile you will need to click the +Add below the chat window of the other person.  

How does Airtime decide who to pair me with?
This is done based on people who are nearby, common interests and Friends of Friends. Based on your Facebook interests Airtime will pair you with a fellow Airtimmer. So let's say you like FarmVille - Airtime will pair you with other people who like Farmville, this is just one example. The more interests you have the winder range of meeting people with all those similar interests. 

How do I know what interest was used to get me my video-chatting partner?
when the other person's window opens you can see the interest Airtime used while making the match. The common interest will pop-up between both windows. If you like the person you can always give them a +1.

What is the Crown badge found below my window?
This is called a founder's badge and you get points based on all your interaction. Also based on how other people rate you with the +1 button. 

Is there a chat window for me to type messages while video chatting?
Yes you find the chat box on the right below the name of the person you are chatting with. You can also type while Airtimming. This is useful if you want to share your Twitter ID or your website or blog with the other person. Works like a normal Facebook chat.

How to add a YouTube video while Chatting?
There is a YouTube search bar, use it to find the video and start playing while you continue chatting and sharing the video simultaneously. 

Can I leave a video message if one of my friends are not online on Facebook?
All you need to do is to click on your friends name and use the record button that appears on your chat window to record and leave a video message for your Facebook friends. 

Is there privacy options available on Facebook for Airime?
You can read all about what privacy options you have in another post of ours which can be found here

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tools to measure your Pinterest influence (Pinfluence)

Now that you are on Pinterest and you have been creating boards and adding pins it's time to measure how popular your boards and pins have become. How many followers have you got, how many 'Likes' and how many repins. Put all of this into an analytics dashboard and you can view a comprehensive chat detailing how influential you have becomes and how much clout you wield on  Pinterest. There are a couple of webapps that provide analytics based on your activity and those of people who follow you and those who repin your pins on Pinterest. Some of these webapps are still in beta and you will need to sign-up for an early invitation.

1. PinReach
This webapp will help you gauge your success as a pinner on Pinterest by providing you with your Pinterest  influence and analytics. It will also give you an overall score and show the performance of your pins on chats with an overall score. You cna also view trending pins and this will help you analyze what people are doing right. 

2. Pinpuff
This webapp is a tool for pinfluences and businesses. If you are a business on Pinterest then you might want to know how well all your investment in Pinterest is doing Pinpuff will help you do just that. it also helps you calculate the monetary value of your pins. 

3. Pinerly
This webapps helps you do a few things - it can help you find people who share the same interests as you and then follow them. You can also unfollow pinners who are no more following you. Find out other popular boards and pinners on Pinterest and learn from them. Helps you schedule your pins so your followers are not overwhelmed by your mass pinning. View your stats and find out what you're doing right or wrong.

So whether you're a business or an individual and want to calculate your influence on Pinterest or how much your business is benefiting from your investment in Pinterest the above tools will help you do just that. Will also help you calculate your Pinterest ROI.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Google+ Hangout Apps - Spice up your face-to-face interactions

Google + Hangouts get Apps. That's right now when you are on your Google Hangout you can now add an extra layer and spice up your Hangout with amazing Apps. Google+ had launched their Hangouts API a few months ago for developers to take advantage of and build-in apps that might be useful and fun to all +ers. The result is that a whole lot of handy little hangouts web apps and being launched to give your hangouts that little extra touch that can go a long way.  Google+ hangouts with extras already came with Google documents integration, which is really good for business meetings online. The hangout apps take things to a whole new level.

Here are some of the Google+ hangout apps that have been launched

1. +Aces Hangout for playing poker with your friends
2. +Cacoo - this amazing app is what you need to conduct your business meeting online. You can share diagrams with other members in the hangout and no matter how far away everyone is, you will feel in the same room with the whiteboard. Good for for wire-framing, mind-mapping and diagramming with others.
3. Google effects -  The app is good for trying on headware, eyewear and facial hair. Just the goofy type or app you need to have fun with your pals
4. +Scoot & Doodle - add this app and you can start drawing and coloring with your friends.
5. +SlideShare - The app that lets you co-view presentations, docs and videos. This is another handy app for business and team meetings to be conducted on Google hangouts. You can now collaborate with your presentation while on a hangout. 

How to access and use Apps for Google Hangouts

Now when you start your hangout you will see a new 'Apps' button on the top of your screen. Click on it to start using hangout apps. Once you click on it you will see both feature and recent hangouts apps. It is being rolled out in a phased manner so if you don't have it as yet, just wait for a few days.

If you are a developer and would like to get started building your own hangout app, head over here to get started. Once your app is ready you can then share it with the entire Google+ community. 
Source: Apps for Google+ Hangouts  Amit Fulay - Google+

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Monday, March 12, 2012

How to set your computer's clock to the correct time

You might have often wondered how to find out what the exact time is and how to set my computer's clock to the right time. There are many webapps that allow you to check what the exact time at your location currently is. Webapp allows you to see what the correct time is right now in your part of the world and you can use it to set your PC's time to be most accurate. Once you login to the app you get to see what the time is and if you computer is a few seconds off there should be no need to change it. Because uses something called the Atomic Clock which is the most accurate time in the world. 

If you do use the app you can also customize it to your timezone and also compare time-zones across the globe. If fact the makers of the app say you can check the time across 7 million locations worldwide. If you're in the US automatically syncs to daylight savings time even if you computer clock doesn't.  The app even goes a little further to give you sunset and sunrise times, info on which timezone a place belongs to, integrated Google Maps and population numbers of a particular area. There is also key information about every country in the world. You can find out the each time in any country in the world and compare it to where you ti find out time-differences. It is a fun and interesting app and you could also find good uses for it. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Friday, February 10, 2012 Send Private Info That Self-Destructs after being read once is a web app that allows you to send personal and sensitive data that self-destructs after the recipient have viewed it once. You might be wondering you need this service. Consider this - you email your spouse the ATM number of your debit card. After viewing the number you are not sure whether the email was deleted. Was it left open on his or her desk and others could have viewed it. You are never really sure, maybe you need to send some sensitive data to your colleagues and you would rather not have anyone else view apart from the recipient themselves. This web tool can get the job done. After the person views the data once it automatically self-destructs. In addition the data is sent across in encryption mode and no one can read it or find out what it is. How does it work
1. Visit on the web
2. Click on the link 'Create One Now'
3. Enter the info you want to send such as 'Passwords' or 'Account Information'
4. Click on create link
5. Copy and paste the URL with the link provided into your email or you can also send it as in 'IM". There is an iPhone and Android App available.
6. You're done

You can send the link either via email or send it as an Instant Message. So the next time you need to share info like passwords and account info, try this service to ensure once the message it viewed it will automatically self-destruct.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Use Remindo to help you remember tasks, birthdays, anniversaries, to-do's etc

Remindo is another free web app that gives you a gently reminder every-time you need to get something done. The service lets you setup and create reminders for any conceivable thing you need reminding about. So if you are looking to get your work-life in balance and complete all goals on time. You can set up a reminder and ensure you get either email reminders of the tasks that need to be completed or get a text-message on your phone. This helps you stay focused and complete and stick to your goals. If you are a freelancer you can use the service to make sure you don't forget appointments. If you're a student use the service to make sure you're sticking to your schedules and assignments. The app however is not only for serious things like work and professional life. Use it to make sure you don't forget your anniversary and partner's birthday. You can also use it to keep a list of things you would like to remember like recipes or driving directions or anything else you would like to always have available.

How Remindo works: 
1. Signup for a free account
2. Set-up your reminders, you can do so on the website or send in what you want to be reminded about via email, Facebook or phone
3. Set your reminder timings - one-off, multiply reminders or timed reminders. You can send yourself unlimited reminders you can also send your pals reminders.
4. Hope you reach your tasks and goals with all the reminders
5. You're done. 

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is Google's Solve for X program and how does it work

Google has launched a new web app in called Solve for X with a corresponding Google+ page. The program has been launched in effect to create Technology Moonshots. For people to come together and collaborate on issues effecting the world on a Global scale. In effect the program seeks to tackle and address world problems using Technology. It encourages people to come up with solutions and spread the word. The program wants to be radically different and collaborative in its effort and help bring solutions to global problems using Tech. Not only Tech but radically different ideas and ways, that might work. The amazing thing about this program is that there will be live events for you to attend and there is a forums for discussion on their G+ page. If you have an idea that will be a moonshot, meaning so good like going to the moon, you can create a video with you talking about it and post a link to it on the Google+ page. Once on that page selected talks and video recordings that will make a difference and make people think at least will be featured on Sole For X. 

Visiting Solve for will give you keen insight into some of the things top brains are thinking about and how world ideas are slowly being crystallized. There are quiet a few good speakers already on Solve for . You can also add the Solve for X G+ page to your circles to keep up with all that is happening on the forums. A good place for your grey cells to rest and get a few good ideas. If you have been that person who has always had a idea that has promise and need a platform to share your thoughts. This is the right place for you. 
Solve For X on the web
Solve for X Google+ page

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Zooshia: Create your own widget using your YouTube, Facebook and Twitter feeds

Zooshia is a web app that lets you create your won widget. If you are a website or blog owner you know that each social site has its own feed and if you want to share your Facebook feed from with your profile or Facebook page on you site. You will need to download the Facebook widget to get it to show and run on your site. The same thing would apply to Twitter and YouTube. With Zooshia you can add up to 10 different feeds from your Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts. The service does not support other social sites and you will need to be content with these three. So you can combine up to 10 different feeds from these services and display all of them in one widget.

The widget you create is not static and so if you have a large feed and a lot of conversation going on the widget keeps moving. The advantage of this is that people like widgets and a widget which keep updating attracts more eyeballs. The widget once created has a neat look and can be further formatted if you have a little coding knowledge. Once you are happy with the widget you can then embed it in your blog or site and you're good to go. 

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

iKeepem is an online tool to help you keep an inventory of everything you own

iKeepem is a web app that brings a lot of value if especially you want to make a complete list of everything you own. When updating the app with the goods you own you can also upload photos and images of your stuff and the receipts as well. Receipts come in especially handy when, if by chance you are struck by theft or a natural disaster. Receipts seem to be the one thing that really proves your ownership. Once you upload a list of all your goods, you can then check it twice and get adequate insurance cover to protect yourself and all the things you own. Plus the added advantage of having an up-to-date inventory means faster claims processes for insurance claims.

Other benefits would be the ability to track your items and also where you might have stored them. You can also keep a track of all the records of when you repaired what and also what might need repairs and how much it cost you. 

This is an online app and there is no need to install any software on your pc. Since it is online you can login for any system that has an internet connection and check your inventory. The app uses cloud storage and it is always available to you. With the app you can also generate reports about what items and valuables are in which room and this report can help you keep your living space clutter free. So whether you're a home owner or renting a home or apartment, documenting your valuables and belongings should be one of your top priorities. So give it a try and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Zapaday: How does it work

Zapaday is your free open source calendar. This web app is absolutely free and you can use it to find out what's happening around the world. You can track events by following a calendar that interests you and analyze news stories and events. With Zapaday you can plan ahead, see what's going to happen next week in a certain country. Follow a political event that interests you. An app like this comes with many advantages and no matter who or where you are you can use it to your benefit.

Here is what Zapaday says about its benefits.
As a journalist you can see what will be in the news next week
As a marketer you can plan product launches and see what the competition is up to
If you are political analyst you can anticipate and track and unfolding political events
Event organizers can see opportunities and plan ahead
Scientist, art-lovers and travelers can see where to go worldwide

Things you can do on Zapaday
Add your own news events
Create and publish your own calendar
Become an editor of your favorite calendar

Zapaday scrapes over 4,000 government news and websites and with their editors sort everything in useful calendars. You can subscribe to daily news diaries and calendars. 

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Learn how to code for free and build websites and apps

Codeacademy is making sure that 2012 becomes the year where people learn to code for free. The app called 'Code Year' will help people with weakly lessons on coding by mailing them free weekly interactive lessons. The app will not only teach you but also help you stay on track and fulfill your goal to learn how to program. There are many benefits to something like this. especially if you would like to learn how to support yourself and even supplement your income. The next time you want to build an App or Website, you will not need to pay anybody but be able to do it yourself. Maybe even build the next big iPhone or Android App, maybe even the next big site to hit the internet. 

The web app promises that you will learn how to build apps and web sites before you even know it. So if your new year goal and resolution for the year 2012 is to learn how to code you can signup for the program and receive your free weekly lessons. Start experimenting with building apps and websites. Give it a whirl signup and see how it goes, all you need to do is to enter your email ID to start receiving lessons. There is nothing to lose anyway. Please leave your comments and suggestions below to continue this discussion.

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Use 21habit if you're wondering how to stick to your New Year Resolutions

Another new year which means a whole load of new year resolutions. We have all been through the grind every time its the New Year, new year resolutions are made and then broken. The idea behind 21 habit is to set a goal for 21 days and make sure you follow through. This is done by deciding how you would like to get your daily reminders. Either via daily email or from the web app / website itself. Once you follow through and are able to stick to your goals and resolutions you can then create new ones to simply stick to the old ones and make them a habit. It seems like a nice idea, getting a daily email reminding you of your goals and new year resolutions and it just might give you the added boost needed to make it work. 

How does 21Habit work?
1. Think of a habit you would like to make or break
2. Decide on the mode you would like to follow there are two modes.
Commitment Mode: Invest $21 each day you stick to your commitment get $1 back
Free mode: Start your 21 day challenge for free and check-in everyday to track your commitment and progress.
3. Check-in every day for 21 days either via Email or Website
4. Complete the 21 day challenge
This web app is brought to you by Microsoft software developer Pranav Goel, and Amazon engineers Himanshu Khurana, Hemanth Pai and Ian McAllister.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tips for Bloggers: How to check your writing and readability level before publishing

You have probably come here because you have tried your hand at writing and blogging and really wanting a fast method to help you check your writing before you publish your blog posts. Yes, every blogging platform has a spell check and lets you know when your spelled something wrong. This web app however goes a little beyond that and in addition to pointing out spelling mistakes will also give you grammar suggestions and style suggestions. If you are a blogger and cannot wait to get your posts out. You already are aware that there are spelling errors or typos that somehow creep in. In fact among bloggers it is excepted that there will be some typos. This app will help you avoid those typos and even suggest better sentence construction.

PolishMyWriting does exactly what it says, it helps you construct better sentences tells you when something is in the wrong 'voice'. Maybe your tense is wrong or you sentence could actually do with a little bit of clarity.  it does one more thing automatically, it makes you stop, check your writing and then publish. This is a perennial problem among bloggers. Getting things done fast and publishing without checking for typos. So use this app and please let us know your feedback in the comments section below.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011 bedtime calculator - lets you know when to fall asleep or wake up

Now here comes a very simple web app that calculates your sleep in sleep circles that lasts for about 9o minutes. Using this app is pretty simple. All you need to do is to enter either the time you need to wake up and the app will tell you what are the best times to fall asleep or you could tell the app, that you need to fall asleep now. What would be the best time to wake up. The app will then tell you what is the best time to wake up depending on sleep cycles. The creator of the App says that the a good night's sleep consisted of 5 - 6 complete sleep cycles.

So if you are going to sleep now and would like to set your alarm for when to wake up. You can try this app. Basically works by calculating your sleep cycles and waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle means you might feel tired and groggy. Waking up after a sleep cycle means you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Please let us know know your thoughts on this in the comments section below.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Use to give your Google+ profile a Vanity URL with User Stats

Here is a convenient service that allows you to create a vanity URl for your Google+ profile along with the ability to track users who click on it. If you are new to Google+ and wondering why you would need a proper name for your profile, it is because as of now Google+ does not allow users to name their profile and if you want to share your profile with others. It looks something like a long string of letters with thrown in. So a service like this adds to the aesthetics of your Google+ profile address. In addition the service also offers user stats so once you share your profile address on your blog or other platforms you cna see how many people clicked on it and how they found you.

How does work:
Once you sign-up for the service you can get your own Google+ vanity URL with an address that would like like this
You get a QR code for your profile that can be shared online and offline so people can land on your profile after scanning the code.
You get a dashboard with stats showing you how many people found your profile using your Vanity URL or QR Code. You can also check how they found you and from which countries they come from. All this in real-time.

So give it a whirl and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Use Google applications via SMS text message

This is one cool mobile app feature from Google. There are a number of Google services that you can now use on your phone via SMS text messages. The cool part of this whole thing is that you don't need a smartphone, neither do you need one of the new phones being sold these days. All of this works over on an old feature phone and you can now get your Grandma to use Google on her feature phone. The only condition is that your phone should be able to handle SMS and be able to receive and send texts.

Google SMS Applicaitons: How does it work
1. Google SMS search: to get updates on your favorite topics each time there is something newsworthy
2. Calendar SMS: to check your calendar while you're on the go
3. Blogger SMS: Update your blogger blog even when you're not in front of a PC. Update from your phone.
4. Gmail SMS: to sms or text to your Gmail contacts while you're on the move.
5. Google Voice SMS: send and receive SMS text messages through Google Voice.

How to get started using Google SMS applications on your phone
To signup for the service please click this link check for your country and then enter your cell phone number. Once registered you can then begin to use Google SMS text message service on your Mobile Phone. 

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to concentrate on your work and block out social sites that waste your time

Cold Turkey is a web app that will block sites and games that distract you and works on Windows with a Mac version coming soon. So this is really interesting do you find yourself getting distracted too often and you find the guilty culprits are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc. Cold Turkey will let you turn them off for a while and you can complete your work and gain back access to them.

Cold Turkey: How does it work
Cold Turkey works on all Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 with a Mac version coming soon. Once you download the software to your PC you can then begin to specify the time you want a site blocked for. You can select from 10 minutes up to a week. The app has three main tabs, sites, games and custom. Clicking on sites tab you can specify which sites you want block and the time it needs to blocked. Once you select the time for which you do not want access to that site. The app will take care of it. Once a time-frame is selected it cannot be changed. If you suddenly decide you want access to that site. Tough luck, it cannot be done. If you try to hack you way through the time-frame thing you will get a penalty and not be able to access the site for a week. It works on all browsers, so by thinking you can access a site using another browser. You are out of luck. 

Please find below a list of sites that Cold Turkey can block

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Youtube, Hotmail/MSN, Wikipedia, Ebay, CollegeHumor, AddictingGames, Reddit, FailBlog, StumbleUpon. Unlimited sites of your choosing. Warcraft III and more games to come soon. 

Cold Turkey - It is cold and merciless. Might be just what you need. 

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Social Folders: How does it work

Social Folders is a social linking tool that lets you sync your social life and find everything on your computer.  What this means is that once you download Social Folders onto Your Windows PC or Mac, the web app will then download a copy of your photos, videos and documents and store them on your computer. So you will have a copy of all that you share online. Once you have everything on your PC you can then create folders and view all that you have shared online. You can also update your Facebook photos right from the app. which means no need to wait for your browser to upload photos. You can get the job done right from the app. You can also move folders between services like Facebook and Flickr and the photos will get uploaded with a simple drag and drop action. 

Social Folders a more detailed look:
To get started you would need to download the app to your PC or Mac. Once installed you can then connect all your social sites to the App. Once connected you can get a copy downloaded of all that you have shared. You can then move files between services like Facebook, Flickr, Google Docs, Photo Bucket, YouTube, Box and Picasa to name a few. You however cannot download videos from YouTube because a developer API is not available. So download and retrieve a copy of all the data you have shared on social sites. So if you are concerned with how to back-up all your social data. This will take care of it for you. 

Once you have all your files on your computer, you can then play around and move files between all of these services by dragging and dropping between folders. 

You can also gain access to your friends websites and therefore be able to get a copy of all that they share too. You will however need to invite friends to social folder before you can do this. You can also subscribe to your friends websites and get a copy of all that they are sharing on your computer. So you can enjoy looking at stuff even if you are not connected to the internet. 

Adding new files into your folder means that Social Folders will upload the same for you using the cloud. No need to wait around waiting for your browser to do the job for you. The web app allows you to even copy and paste folders between services. 
Social Folders

Check the video out below to know more. If you do try it please leave your feedback in the comments section below.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sawt will help you discover and listen to Arab Indie Music

This is a really cool and smart web app to help you find and play Arab India Music. If you have never listened to genre of music below you have been missing out on something. It is one thing to listen to rock but a whole other thing when it gets the middle eastern touch. 

The App has been developed by Beshr Kayali as a weekend hack project and therefore has it's limitation. You cannot keep track or save history of music and songs that you're listened to.It works only on Google Chrome and Safari. There is also no way to let the app know what genre you want to listen to. 

The Amazing thing about it though is the really cool middle eastern ,music you get to listen to. Sawt is fully compatible with iOS Safari (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad). The App is fantastic as it brings to the international scene, music that would have otherwise have gone unnoticed. The App also has an upload link for musicians and bands which fall into this category to upload their music and share it with the rest of the world. The music coming from the Middle East has really taken off and the scene right now is quit huge - a definite must check. 


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